Getting Started
This document is for OpenPNE 3.1.
OpenPNE 3 should work under the following server environment.
- Web Server
- Apache
- The "mod_rewrite" module must be enabled
- PHP version is >= 5.2.3
- The "mbstring" module must be enabled
- The "xml" module must be enabled
- The "PCRE" module must be enabled (That must be support UTF-8)
- The "PDO" module must be enabled (It must contains DBMS drivers that you want to use)
- The "JSON" module must be enabled
- The GD library must be usable from PHP (That must be support JPEG, GIF and PNG)
- The "mcrypt" module should be enabled
- The "APC" module should be enabled
- Database Server
MySQL4.1+ (Recommended 5.1)
PostgreSQL and SQLite are not now supported (They will be supported in the future)
Download Package and Install It
Please download a package of OpenPNE 3.1 from the following URL.
- 3.1.0 – 3.1.2
- 3.1.3 +
And unzip the zip file.
Setting Files
Set the files to be the following structure:
./ +-- LICENSE +-- NOTICE +-- apps/ +-- cache/ +-- config/ +-- data/ +-- doc/ +-- lib/ +-- log/ +-- plugins/ +-- symfony +-- test/ (It can be accessable from web browser) +-- web/ (This directory name can be changed) +-- index.php +-- js/ +-- mobile_frontend.php +-- pc_backend.php :
Setting the HTTP proxy
If you want to use HTTP proxy, change the "op_http_proxy" configuration in your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.
//HTTP proxy to use when downloading plugin packages sfConfig::set('op_http_proxy', '');
Executing Install Command
Execute the following command to begin installing process.
$ ./symfony openpne:install
If you execute the command, you will be required inputing the following:
- DBMS (mysql, pgsql or sqlite, but we are now only support MySQL)
- Database Username
- Database Password
- Database Hostname
- (If you inputed "MySQL" for the DBMS and "localhost" for the hostname, ) Database Socket Path
Installing will be started automatically based on your inputted information.
Configuring mod_rewrite
Configure the RewriteBase setting in your web/.htaccess for your environment (It may not be needed).
RewriteBase / # Or /web
RewriteBase is must be absoulte path of URL.
Access from Web Browser (PC)
- Access
- Input / password to login form, and make sure you to log in
You must change the default email address and password.
Access form Web Browser (Backend)
- Access
- Input admin / password to login form, and make sure you to log in
You must change the default account and password.
Getting from Git and Setup It (3.1.3 +)
Clone OpenPNE3
$ git clone git://
Copy the config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
$ cd OpenPNE3 $ cp config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.sample config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
Setting the HTTP proxy
If you want to use HTTP proxy, change the "op_http_proxy" configuration in your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.
//HTTP proxy to use when downloading plugin packages sfConfig::set('op_http_proxy', '');
Execute the following command.
$ ./symfony openpne:install
Access from Web Browser (PC)
- Access
- Input / password to login form, and make sure you to log in
You must change the default email address and password.
Access form Web Browser (Backend)
- Access
- Input admin / password to login form, and make sure you to log in
You must change the default account and password.
Check out from SVN and Setup It (3.1.0 – 3.1.2)
The following assumes the you have already installed symfony 1.2.
Checkout OpenPNE3
$ svn co
Configure config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
$ cd OpenPNE-3.1.0 $ cp config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.sample config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php $ vi config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
Replace ##SYMFONY_LIB_DIR## to the path to libraries of symfony.
(e.g. /usr/share/php/data/symfony)
require_once '##SYMFONY_LIB_DIR##/autoload/sfCoreAutoload.class.php';
Setting the HTTP proxy
If you want to use HTTP proxy, change the "op_http_proxy" configuration in your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.
//HTTP proxy to use when downloading plugin packages sfConfig::set('op_http_proxy', '');
Execute the following command.
$ ./symfony openpne:install
Access from Web Browser (PC)
- Access
- Input / password to login form, and make sure you to log in
You must change the default email address and password.
Access form Web Browser (Backend)
- Access
- Input admin / password to login form, and make sure you to log in
You must change the default account and password.