-オープンソースのSNSエンジン OpenPNEプロジェクト-

How to Install OpenPNE3.0

Home > How to Install OpenPNE3.0

Getting Started

This document is for OpenPNE 3.0.

OpenPNE 3 should work under the following server environment.

Web Server
  • The "mod_rewrite" module must be enabled
PHP version is >= 5.2.3
  • The "mbstring" module must be enabled
  • The "xml" module must be enabled
  • The "PCRE" module must be enabled (That must be support UTF-8)
  • The GD library must be usable from PHP (That must be support JPEG, GIF and PNG)
  • The "mcrypt" module should be enabled
Database Server
MySQL4.1+ (Recommended 5.1)

Download Package and Install It


Please download a package of OpenPNE 3.0 from the following URL.


And unzip the zip file.

Setting Files

Set the files to be the following structure:

+-- apps/
+-- cache/
+-- config/
+-- data/
+-- doc/
+-- lib/
+-- log/
+-- plugins/
+-- symfony
+-- test/

(It can be accessable from web browser)
+-- web/  (This directory name can be changed)
    +-- index.php
    +-- js/
    +-- mobile_frontend.php
    +-- pc_backend.php

Creating Database

Create database by executing following command (This step can be skip if your server already created a database):


Setting the HTTP proxy (3.0.4 +)

If you want to use HTTP proxy, change the "op_http_proxy" configuration in your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.

//HTTP proxy to use when downloading plugin packages
sfConfig::set('op_http_proxy', 'example.com:8080');

Executing Install Command

Execute the following command to begin installing process.

$ ./symfony openpne:install

If you execute the command, you will be required inputing the following:

  • DBMS (mysql, pgsql or sqlite)
  • Database Username
  • Database Password
  • Database Hostname
  • (If you inputed "MySQL" for the DBMS and "localhost" for the hostname, ) Database Socket Path

Installing will be started automatically based on your inputted information.

Configuring mod_rewrite

Configure the RewriteBase setting in your web/.htaccess for your environment (It may not be needed).

RewriteBase /                            # Or /web

RewriteBase is must be absoulte path of URL.

Access from Web Browser (PC)

  1. Access http://example.com/index.php
  2. Input sns@example.com / password to login form, and make sure you to log in

You must change the default email address and password.

Access form Web Browser (Backend)

  1. Access http://example.com/pc_backend.php
  2. Input admin / password to login form, and make sure you to log in

You must change the default account and password.

Checkout from svn and set up

The following assumes the you have already installed symfony 1.2.

Checkout OpenPNE3

$ svn co https://trac.openpne.jp/svn/OpenPNE3/tags/OpenPNE-3.0.0/

Configure config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php

$ cd OpenPNE-3.0.0
$ cp config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.sample config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
$ vi config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php

Replace ##SYMFONY_LIB_DIR## to the path to libraries of symfony.
(e.g. /usr/share/php/data/symfony)

require_once '##SYMFONY_LIB_DIR##/autoload/sfCoreAutoload.class.php';

Setting the HTTP proxy (3.0.4 +)

If you want to use HTTP proxy, change the "op_http_proxy" configuration in your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.

//HTTP proxy to use when downloading plugin packages
sfConfig::set('op_http_proxy', 'example.com:8080');

Creating Database

Execute the following command.

$ ./symfony openpne:install

Access from Web Browser (PC)

  1. Access http://example.com/index.php
  2. Input sns@example.com / password to login form, and make sure you to log in

You must change the default email address and password.

Access form Web Browser (Backend)

  1. Access http://example.com/pc_backend.php
  2. Input admin / password to login form, and make sure you to log in

You must change the default account and password.
